Gradually Getting Back Into The Groove

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Five days after my Rachel Carson Trail challenge, I am back to running again.  I decided that I was ready for an easy run on the treadmill, so I ran an easy 5K and it felt really good.

So what lingering effects do I have from last weekend?  Well not much really. 

The most significant thing is the large blister on the back of my heel.  I had to protect it and lubricate it to avoid further damage on the treadmill this evening.  I put a large BandAid over it, and covered the whole area with petroleum jelly, before putting on my socks.  Quite a bit of hassle, but it worked.

The only other issue that I am having, is some slight congestion.  I noticed that my trachea was irritated early this week.  I guess this was from almost thirteen hours of working my lungs during the run.  Together with my body being generally fatigued after the run, this has lead to some congestion. Not too bad though.

I am really pleased with how I have recovered.  I will still be taking it easy over the next few days.  No need to rush back into a high workload… I have all winter to prepare for my next triathlon.