Another Tough Tuesday

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A week ago, I wrote about a really tough day and how, with perseverance, I was able to get through my workouts successfully.  A week later, and I had pretty much the same workout schedule, except that today’s bike session was significantly harder.

As you know, if you read my blog, I am in week three of a very large training block.  The amount of load and fatigue that I am carrying, is really starting to build up. This means that I am often tired, before starting the day’s workouts.  That was the case today.

Just like last week, I had an easy pace run, to be followed immediately by a hard VO2 Max bike interval session.  I felt better going into the run this week and had mentally prepared for my pace to be slow, as I focused on running at a very easy effort level.

Even with a super easy effort level however, the run turned out to be quite tiring.  It was humid and I got very warm.  When I got back home, I had a quick drink and sat down to cool off a little, before getting on the bike.  Sitting down was a mistake; it felt so good, I didn’t want to get up.

I just sat there with my thoughts.  I told myself that I did all this hard training because I love the process and it enables a healthy lifestyle.  The problem was that today, I didn’t feel like I “loved the process” at all.  It was a grind and my thoughts went to the fact that I am doing it all right now, without a goal race on the schedule.  I felt sorry for myself and definitely had thoughts of not doing the bike workout.

Eventually however, I cooled down and was rested enough, that I was able to get up and go do that bike session.  It didn’t go that well, but I got through it.  I am glad I did it, because I think I would have regretted skipping it tomorrow, after a good night’s sleep.

Bottom line is that we aren’t all super motivated for every workout, on every day.  That’s OK and skipping workouts is OK too.  It’s actually all just part of the process I love….