Up Early To Swim

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There is no avoiding the fact that, as a long course triathlete who has a regular job, sometimes I just have to get up early to get my workouts done.

I had two workouts scheduled today; a 30 minute swim and a 45 minute Zone 2 run.  With pools closed due to the pandemic, I have to do my swim workouts, in open water at a State Park that is a 45 minute drive from my house.  This means that I have to carefully plan my swim sessions during the week.

Last night, I looked at the weather and it was obvious that if I wanted to swim today, I would have to do it before work. There were severe thunderstorms forecast for all afternoon, which would mean no chance of swimming.  I can always do my runs on the treadmill, so they are not so weather dependent.  The decision was made; I needed to swim before work.

My alarm went off at 5.15am and I immediately got out of bed.  I went downstairs to make coffee and breakfast.   I obviously don’t like to swim in a lake alone, so this early morning session for me, also meant an early morning for my wife.   She would come with with me to lake, to watch as I swam.  I therefore made her coffee too (several cups).  I am so fortunate to have her support.

We arrived at the lake around 6.30am.  It was beautiful.  The sun was shining and the water was quite calm.  The water was also very warm.  I had a really good swim and was back home in time to start my work day by 8.00am.

It did indeed rain hard this evening, and there were several severe thunderstorms.  The decision to swim early had paid off and I was able to complete both workouts as planned.  Just another day that demonstrated, how you have to be flexible and make changes to your routine to successfully complete your day.