Sometimes Life Demands A Compromise

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That picture is the view from my deck at home.  As you can see, the weather is beautiful today, and I have a two hour bike ride on my schedule today.

Unfortunately however, I will not be riding my bike outside today. Life is getting in the way, and in particular, the need to maintain the deck that provided that view.

While triathlon is a huge part of my life, it sometimes has to take a back seat to other more important things. Being a homeowner comes with the need to do maintenance, and today I am working on repairing and painting my deck.  I really don’t like painting my deck, but it needs to be done, and good biking weather is also good painting weather.

I will still get my ride done, but I will do it on the trainer in my basement.  My bike is already set up on the trainer, so just hopping on it and riding, will be way more time efficient.  I actually have a hard interval ride to do, so riding the trainer will actually make it easier for me to hit the targets for the workout.

Would I have loved to ride outside today?  Sure!  Sometimes however, life demands a compromise.