A Beautiful Day With Lots Of Happy People Outside

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It was a beautiful day today.  After a week, where the temperature never rose above freezing, it felt wonderful to have a high of 45’F and to run outside. As mentioned in yesterday’s blog, I went to North Park to run.

I ran the lake loop at the park. This loop is exactly five miles long, and today I chose to run it at an easy pace.  At the start of the run, my legs were pretty stiff and quite sore.  I am sure this was a hangover from yesterday’s bike workout.  Soon however, the legs warmed up and the rest of the run was quite good.

It was really good to see that the park was busy with others enjoying the better weather. The ice rink was packed with people, and there were a few teenagers playing hockey on the frozen lake next to it.  On the main lake, a lone ice fisherman was trying his luck; I didn’t see him catch anything.

I saw lots of other runners and even several cyclists.  The pickleball players had removed the snow from their court, and were out there having fun. There we even a couple of kids trying to ride toboggans, but the snow was too slushy for them.

Seeing all these other people made the time pass quickly on my run, and before I knew it, I was back at my car.  Five easy miles on a beautiful day.  My first steps towards building back my weekly mileage.